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New year new start

The Healthy Digest – New Year New Start – January

5 January 2021
Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful and relaxing time over the holidays catching up with family and friends and spending some time to rest and reset after the crazy year 2020 became!

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With the New Year often comes the pressure to set new goals for the year ahead. Having just come out of the festive season, where people’s routine can get lost amongst all the Christmas parties and social events centred around food and alcohol, it is extremely common for people to feel like they have “let themselves go” and come into the new year with goals of wanting to lose weight, eat healthy and get fit.

Whilst it is important to look after your physical health, people often create unrealistic expectations for themselves and only focus on the end goal instead of focusing on HOW they are going to get there.

January is one the busiest months for those in the diet culture industry with the media flooding TVs, radio, Instagram and billboards with advertisements with diet plans, shakes, pills and detox teas with “guaranteed results”. Whilst these programs and products can be appealing and cause initial weight loss due to a very low calorie intake, they tend to lead to weight gain once you return to your normal diet. These diet plans and programs are often unsustainable and do not teach you healthy lifestyle habits that can be sustained for the long term.

This article talks through some red flags to look out for when looking at diet plans and products that indicate nutrition misinformation.

If you are setting health and fitness related New Year’s resolutions in 2021, try swapping unrealistic goals for healthy habits:

  • Stop using Uber Eats → make dinner 1 more night a week
  • Lose 10kgs → try one new gym class or hit 10,000 steps/day
  • Cut out carbs → fill half your dinner plate with veggies and aim to include at least 1 serve at each meal.

If you want to maintain a healthy weight, build muscle and lose fat, the best path is a lifelong combination of eating smarter and moving more. For a personalised plan tailored to your lifestyle and food preferences, consult an Accredited Practising Dietitian Nutritionist (APD) with expertise in weight management. I can create a realistic, flexible eating plan which will keep you feeling your best. Book in for an initial appointment here.

Healthy regards,

Tessa Funk APD
Dietitian Nutritionist – BExNutrSc & MDietS

Louise Elvin-Walsh APD AN
Dietitian Nutritionist – BHlthSc (Nutr&Diet) (Hons)
email: louise@adeptnutritioncare.com
mobile: 0410 839 074
Wesbite: adeptnutritioncare.com

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